A particle model for Wasserstein type diffusion

With Vitalii Konarovskyi

A particle model for Wasserstein type diffusion

The discussion will be devoted to a family of interacting particles on
the real line which have a connection with the geometry of Wasserstein
space of probability measures. We will consider a physical improvement
of a classical Arratia flow, but now particles can split up and they
transfer a mass that influences their motion. The particle system can
be also interpreted as an infinite dimensional version of sticky
reflecting dynamics on a simplicial complex. The model appears as a
martingale solution to an infinite dimensional SDE with discontinuous
coefficients. In the talk, we are going to consider a reversible case,
where the construction is based on a new family of measures on the set
of real non-decreasing functions as reference measures for naturally
associated Dirichlet forms. In this case, the intrinsic metric leads
to a Varadhan formula for the short time asymptotics with the
Wasserstein metric for the associated measure valued diffusion. The
talk is based on joint work with Max von Renesse.

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