Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information – Connecting with Industry

The Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information (CCIMI) will hold its annual Industry engagement event virtually on the afternoon of 25th November 2020. This will aim to showcase the research that is being carried out at the Institute and enable delegates to hear more detail about some of the current project collaborations and industry challenges that CCIMI is exploring.

The main focus of this afternoon industrial engagement event is to provide an update on research and collaborations taking place at the CCIMI, as well as presenting interesting research being developed elsewhere. Speakers will look to explore the big questions in data science, especially where mathematics is most suited to help provide answers.  It will include a virtual poster session where CCIMI students will present their research, followed by the opportunity to talk more in separate break out rooms.

This event will be of interest to participants including economists; social scientists; physicists; engineers; biomedical scientists as well as those working in statistics; pure, applied & computational analysis; quantum computing, cryptography, communication & security and those from data processing.

For further event information and to register please visit the event website.