High Dimensional Mathematics – A Research Conference of the CCIMI

This one day conference will bring together those academics working to advance data science and will provide an update on research and collaborations taking place at CCIMI, associated challenges and other potential collaborative opportunities, as well as highlighting projects being developed elsewhere.
The programme of talks will cover the following areas:

High Dimensional Point Cloud Processing
Analysing High-dimensional Data

There will be a session for short “elevator pitches” from next generation researchers, who will also have the opportunity to present more detail about their work in a poster exhibition, which will run during the lunch and the drinks/networking session.

This event will be of interest to participants including economists; social scientists; physicists; engineers; biomedical scientists as well as those working in statistics; pure, applied and computational analysis; quantum computing, cryptography, communication and security and those from data processing.

For further information and to register, please visit www.turing-gateway.cam.ac.uk/event/tgmw46