Spectral radii of sparse random matrices

With Antti Knowles (Geneva)

Spectral radii of sparse random matrices

We establish bounds on the spectral radii for a large class of
sparse random matrices, which includes the adjacency matrices of
inhomogeneous ErdH{o}s-R’enyi graphs. For the ErdH{o}s-R’enyi graph $G(n,d/n)$, our results imply that the smallest and second-largest
eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix converge to the edges of the support of the asymptotic eigenvalue distribution provided that $d gg log n$. This establishes a crossover in the behaviour of the extremal eigenvalues around $d sim log n$. Our results also apply to non-Hermitian sparse random matrices, corresponding to adjacency matrices of directed graphs. Joint work with Florent Benaych-Georges and Charles Bordenave.

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