The CCIMI Retreat

Written by Josh Stevens
April 10, 2019

Last month the CCIMI hosted the inaugural Retreat which was held in the Peak District, Derbyshire.

The retreat was a mix of talks and presentations, group discussions and outdoor activities that provided an opportunity for everyone involved in the CCIMI to get together to discuss their research within the backdrop of the mathematics of information.

There was a broad range of talks that covered topics including inverse problems, bilevel optimisation, ethical investing, image reconstruction and registration, MCMC and optimal transport.

A particularly interesting session saw the participants break into small groups to discuss how key ideas from individual research areas can be used ‘cross-disciplinarily’ to tackle relevant research problems.

In addition to talks from participants the CCIMI student reading group hosted a session, looking at Group Representations in Probability and Statistics, which is the ongoing topic for the Easter term discussion.


The retreat was not just academic focused, there was some time spent outdoors exploring the local area on an afternoon hike and also a visit to the spa town of Buxton.

Our thanks to everyone that participated in the Retreat!